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Merida is a 1yr old female dog found as a stray in St. Kitts. Merida had recently whelped puppies and did her very best to give them all of the nutrition that they needed so that they could be chubby, happy and healthy. However, she sacrificed her own well-being in the process.
Merida was rescued by an animal rescue group in St. Kitts called PAWS (People for Animal Welfare St. Kitts). She was emaciated from feeding her litter of pups with little to no nutrition herself. During Merida's veterinary appointment she tested positive for two tick borne diseases - Ehrlichia and Anaplasmosis. These diseases amongst the intestinal worms, fleas and ticks also left Merida anemic (low red blood cells). Thankfully, with a good helping of TLC and appropriate medications to treat her tick borne diseases, dewormer for her intestinal worms and parasite prevention for the fleas and ticks - Merida is starting to climb the long trek up hill. Merida continues to get stronger each day and is turning into a beautiful dog! For more information on Merida and updates check out PAWS on Facebook To donate to Merida's care, please click below |
August 2020